Dream Interpretation

15 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about a photograph?

To dream about a photograph symbolises a memory or experience you’ve had. Think about the way you are perceiving a situation now it’s in the past- are your recollections accurate or ...
15 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about nature?

If you dream about nature, it’s usually a result of a renewed sense of freedom in your waking life. Alternatively, perhaps you crave the feeling of freedom and seeing nature in ...
15 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about power?

To dream about having magic powers indicates a desire to control your world more. Perhaps you currently feel powerless in your waking hours and you want to gain some influence ...
15 June 2022

National Megalodon Day: What does it mean to dream about a shark?

Sharks are generally a sign of danger or threat in a dream. Perhaps you should ask yourself what you feel threatened by right now in your waking life. A shark ...
14 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about an army?

To dream about an army suggests you are gearing up for a fight with someone in your waking hours. Perhaps you are gathering the support you need before this confirmation ...
14 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about a fork?

To dream about a fork depends on whether you are talking about the utensil or a fork in the road. We will take each one in turn.  To dream of ...
14 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about mint?

If you dream about mint, it could mean that some area of your life needs to be freshened up. Perhaps something during your waking hours has become stale and you need ...
13 June 2022

What does it mean to dream about an axe?

To dream about cutting wood with an axe, suggests something is breaking up or is being torn apart in your waking hours.  This may be a result of you or someone ...
9 June 2022

National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day: What does it mean to dream about rhubarb?

To dream about rhubarb depends on how big it has grown. To see short sticks of rhubarb suggests that you have just started something and it has great potential in the ...
9 June 2022

National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day: What does it mean to dream about pie?

When you dream about pie, it's generally a sign of hard work- meaning you will need to put in a lot of effort before you will see the benefits. Things ...
9 June 2022

National Strawberry-Rhubarb Pie Day: What does it mean to dream about strawberries?

Strawberries are thought to represent sensual desires and temptations in dreams.  They are often associated with feminine qualities and female sexuality. Do you feel you need to be more feminine for ...
9 June 2022

National Donald Duck Day: What does it mean to dream about a duck?

Ducks can represent joyful times as they have associations with being young. Perhaps you are feeling content right now and are embracing your inner child, or do you need to ...
8 June 2022

Best Friends Day: What does it mean to dream about your best friend?

Consider how you felt in the dream with your best friend- if you were fighting or quibbling, it’s possible you are spending too much time with them in your waking hours ...
8 June 2022

National Upsy Daisy Day: What does it mean to dream about a daisy?

To dream of a daisy usually pertains to innocence and purity.  Perhaps you are a little naive in something in your waking hours but given some more time, you will be ...
8 June 2022

June 2022: What does it mean to dream about the month of June?

To dream of the month of June could be linked to a specific event that happened during those thirty days.  If you got married in June, does your relationship need some ...
8 June 2022

National Name Your Poison Day: What does it mean to dream about poison?

If you dream about poison, this might represent people, situations or things that are contaminating your life. Perhaps the people you are spending time with are toxic and therefore the relationship ...
7 June 2022

Love Island 2022: What does it mean to dream about the show?

After the return of Love Island on Monday night (June 6th), it’s highly likely that those watching it before bed will dream about the show- but what does it mean if ...
6 June 2022

National Drive-In Movie Day: What does it mean to dream about a drive-in movie?

To dream about a drive-in movie implies that you are being lazy in some area of your world.  You could put in more effort, but you choose not to because it’s ...
6 June 2022

National Yo-Yo Day: What does it mean to dream about a yo-yo?

Dreaming about a yo-yo could mean that you are rebounding into some old habits that you had in the past. Maybe you are repeating things that you never thought you would. ...
4 June 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about a palace?

As we celebrate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee, we thought it appropriate to explore what it means to dream about a house fit for a queen- a palace.  To dream about walking ...
3 June 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about a Bank Holiday?

To dream about a Bank Holiday suggests that you are looking forward to some sort of break or respite in your waking hours.  Perhaps you have been working hard lately ...
2 June 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about a throne?

To dream about sitting on a throne suggests you are in a high ranking position right now. Perhaps this is a recent change in your professional career or maybe it’s something ...
1 June 2022

Queen's Platinum Jubilee: What does it mean to dream about a Corgi?

The Queen has owned over thirty Corgis during her time on the throne, after recieving her first on her 18th birthday whom she named Susan. Ahead of the Platinum Jubilee, ...
31 May 2022

National Speak in Complete Sentences Day: What does it mean to dream about a sentence?

If you dreamed about being sentenced- perhaps you need to take responsibility for something you’ve done in your waking hours. Do you need to confront an issue or a person in ...